Saturday 10 March 2012

I'm dreaming about Heaven

If God is omnipotent why can't we always get what we want?

In my opinion it might be so if what we want is not what we really need...
Men blessed(or rather cursed) with everything may finally treat Our Lord and His promises as nothing and act as God himself.

God is not a dream-fulfilling machine and we are not gods...He loves us all and knows that in heaven we will be grateful for each and every ''dream'' that He – in His great Mercy – protects us from...

so we don't end up in hell,
the place reserved for egoists.
Tomasz, Racibórz

PS. Thank you all for remembering my birthday. God bless!


  1. Ciągle przekonuje się, że On naprawdę wie najlepiej czego mi trzeba.. :)
    wszystkiego wspaniałego, zgodnego z Jego wolą! :)

  2. Dzięki serdeczne :)...Tak, tylko Jego Plan i ufna cierpliwość z naszej strony - wtedy jest najpiękniej, najlepiej, najwspanialej! :)
