Sunday, 27 May 2012

Appreciation(Jesus is the reason)

Both God the Holy Spirit and His Blessed spouse, the blessed Virgin Mary, are subject to many misunderstandings. Such a sad attitude will, unfortunately, be the case until we realize that without Mary's fiat to Holy Spirits' activity, Jesus, the Divine Person so dear to each and every Christian, might not have entered the world we live in.

Holy Spirit, our best Guide, be with us,
Mary, our sweet Mother, teach us how to trust...
And, by your graces and merits, show us the way to Jesus...

Tomasz, Racibórz


  1. Today is Pentecost. It is interesting to note that Mary was among the first with the Apostles who received the Holy Spirit by tongues of fire. Mary is not the enemy of the Christian, but the Mother of us all. I feel for those denominations who put her aside as if she has no importance at all.

  2. Thanks, DS! You're absolutely right...Mary isn't our enemy... On the contrary - she's our friend and, at the same time, the best friend of God(God the Father chose her, God the Son was developed under her heart, and God the Holy Spirit granted her with his Wisdom and other graces). Why to be afraid of someone who, with her whole life, proclaims:
    "heaven is for human beings as well."
    It's sad that some people try to ignore this truth.
