Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Ad Jesum per Mariam

Some people undervalue the role of Mary, some other insult Her on the regular basis. Let's consider their positions and examine whether they are right or not. It is true that one can be saved without Her intercession. Moreover, God Himself did not necessarily need the Blessed Virgin in order to manifest His Holy Will to people. He could have excluded the simplest human being, Miriam, from His divine plan. Still it has been chosen otherwise and –  whatever we may think of this –  our religion would be a kind of oxymoron without Immaculata; it is so, for as you cannot have Christianity without Christ, you cannot imagine Christ without His Mother.
Tomasz, Racibórz +

P.S. Blessed Paschal Triduum to you all!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Fiat is Enough

People do not want to hear about God for several reasons.
Some of them are indifferent, some, on the contrary, are active opponents of Christian's/monotheistic/ view of the world.
Regardless of their motivations, and - what is important as well - without some noisy attitude, there is always a chance to present God to almost each and every of them.
In order to accomplish the said goal, please do not talk so much about your faith: Instead, let the one tell something about you*.
Tomasz, Racibórz +

* Mary's faith, condensed in Her single fiat, is among the finest examples of just-presented attitude.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Two Ways, One Love

Why we all have to suffer? This question, to which many people cannot give a satisfactory answer, seems to constitute some challenge to God's Love, Mercy and Justice. In fact, and this can be well proven, it is not the challenge to Creator's Goodness, but rather Its affirmation. People will always suffer because of their sins; that's the part of God's Justice - some theologians would tell you.  That is true but still incomplete answer to the presented issue. Do not forget about God's twofold Mercy, the One that can cleanse us either on earth or in purgatory; both ways lead sufferers to the infinite, divine Love.            
Tomasz, Racibórz +

P.S. Let's pray for our newly elected pope, Francis.