Sunday, 15 August 2010

The puzzle that needs to be solved

Mary – why do Catholics need Her?
The main reason is: because Jesus gave Her to us as She stood at the foot of the C R oss.
Without the Holiest Virgin it would be much more difficult for us to trust:

-In the real presence of the child( not cells) in woman's womb( The Visitation),
-In the power of Jesu s ( The Weeding at Cana),
-That every p a in can be endured and overcame( The Crucifixion of Her Son),
-That eve r y human being can get to Heaven too ( The Assumption),
-That one can onl y be awarded by God for their own ''Fiat'' ( The Annunciation).

Now, try to read bolded letters in the right order and remember that Her's Holy Rosary ties us perfectly with the Lamb.
Hold Mary's hand during your pilgrimage on this earth and you will get to Her only Son in Heaven for sure.

Mary, show us the Way, tell us the Truth, help us in knowing the Life!

Tomasz, Racibórz

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